If you are experiencing an emergency, please call "911" for assistance.
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available - call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.
For safety concerns: Report on Safe2TellOr call 1-877-542-7233 |
What it is:
Safe2Tell Colorado provides an anonymous way for 澳洲幸运10, parents, school staff and community members to report concerns regarding their safety.
- Threat of harm to others
- Threat of harm to self
- Illegal activity
How it works:
- Monitored 24/7 by trained Safe2Tell staff
- Depending on the type of report, the messages are routed to appropriate school-based and law enforcement agencies
- Tips accepted over the phone, Safe2Tell web page, or use of mobile app. Reports are anonymous.
Process after a report is made:
- A trained analyst collects information for the report and assigns a tip number to the reporting party.
- Every tip submitted to Safe2Tell Colorado is thoroughly investigated once given to the appropriate school and/or law enforcement agency.
- Safe2Tell Colorado serves as a conduit for the information received, sending it directly to the school and/or law enforcement for local investigation and/or intervention.
- Safe2Tell Colorado uses a unique and highly sophisticated database program that allows for two-way dialogue between the reporting party and the answering point.
- All information is encrypted, allowing for complete anonymity.
- Web reporting and mobile app options allow reporting parties to upload photos and social media posts, which aid law enforcement in conducting thorough investigations.
Safe2Tell contact and more information:
Contact: PSD Emergency Preparedness Manager Shawn Streeter | sstreete@19931993.com
Related information: PSD School Safety and Security >>
Other reporting processes:
Report processes for Safe2Tell concerns, child abuse, sexual harassment and other incidents are listed on the "See Something, Say Something" web page.